Monday, February 7, 2011

Love is in the Air

So I'm sure everyone knows that Valentine's Day is coming up.  I'm trying to get all cute and figure out something cute-like and original to take "love-related" photos of.  There are the candy hearts...  they are adorable and mark my words, I will do it, but at the same time, so will everyone else. 

Leave me alone with my thoughts for 5 minutes and I start to play with my daughters doll house.  I should really get out of the house more.  And buy some candy hearts.

Let's get passed the awkwardness and talk technical, shall we?  This is shot at ISO400, f2.8, 1/100.  Probably could have closed up my aperture a bit, but let's face it, probably could have come up with something different (read: better) altogether.  

Am I the only one who is stumped photographically with "love"? (other than the stupid hearts that I will go get immediately and shoot)


  1. That is so funny but so creative at the same time! :)

  2. omigosh, that is soo cute! very creative!

  3. Great concept! I really, really like it... it reminds me of pop art in some way???

    I much prefer the subtlety of this love photo to red and pink hearts! And welcome to the blog world. It looks like you are off to a wonderful start... beautiful banner, great sense of humor, excellent! (followed you from your comment at Darcy's:)

  4. WOW - I'm so honored that you started your blog out with one of my photography challenges! I love your creativity here. I agree with you about your aperture - or at least getting both of their faces into the same visual plane so that they are both within the depth of field. I'm sure you would rock the heart candy shot.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It's not only creative, but fun and quirky too ~ looks like LOVE to me! (PS: I recognize that dollhouse dude. He gets around) ;-)
