I lost my mom 3 years ago. I had a child 3 years ago. I will never forget my first Mother's day without a mother, and yet at the same time, as a mother. Words can't express the mixed emotions I felt - pride, longing, happiness, grief, but there was plenty of love. Always love.
Love has been the one constant my entire life. My mother was the single most nurturing, loving and caring person I have ever known. She had three children, one boy, two girls. She loved each of them with such passion - pure, raw, selfless love. She knew no other way. Mom often joked about what she would do to the poor soul who even
looked funny at one of her kids - the funny part is, we all knew it was true. She had more protection instinct than a mama Grizzly bear, driven from love. Mom kissed my boo-boos, she wiped away my tears, she made special desserts for special occasions and she taught me compassion. She taught me what it meant to treat others how I wanted to be treated, the golden rule. She taught me manners, she taught me respect, she taught me all the qualities that she possessed and I grew into the respectful, mindful, considerate adult I am today - just as she was.
Mom was unconditionally proud of me. She raised me the best she knew how and I was a remarkable individual in her eyes. She always told me how proud she was, how much she loved me and it never went unappreciated. There were times I felt silly and almost uncomfortable when she would go on, but I would give almost anything to hear her words again today. She made me feel special.
It's been 3 years without Mom. I have a family of my own now - one I am so grateful she got to meet before passing away. It wasn't long after I had my daughter Kayla when Mom passed away - I truly believe things happen for a reason and I know deep down Mom was meant to see that I was happy before she left this world. She was meant to see her only granddaughter and know that her legacy would live on.
I have alot to live up to as a Mom. My mom set that bar pretty high, but it is a bar I intend to reach, she raised me well enough to know that there is no other way - just love.
Happy Mother's Day Mom. I love you, I miss you more than words can say and I hope you knew that I was - and always will be - every bit as proud of you as you were of me.